What have we lost with the rupture brought about by Covid-19?
What have we learned over the past few months?
But above all, what do we have to learn to deal with the social and economic crisis generated by the pandemic?
Between June and November 2020, these questions were going back and forth between us, while we collected resources and tools that put into practice collective ways of organizing that allow us to break out of social isolation and individualized precariousness.
Our aim was to activate strategies in response to the pandemic, thinking about this moment as a push towards regenerating practices.
Let's read, inspire and coordinate!
Go to the section of each practice and download the related A4 paper. Or download a zip at the end of the page.
How to cultivate an empowering relation to money?
#radicaltrust #therapy #transformation
How to replace accounting with radical trust? How to de-individualise the relation with money?
Common Wallet is a collective of ten people working in the cultural production, who are based in Bruxelles. Since January 2018, its members share all their income in one bank account.
How to save and lend money when you don’t have access to a bank account?
#mutualaid #collectives #help #susu #activistbankers #cooperatives #empowerment #ROSCA #bankerlady
How to cultivate an empowering and collective relation to money? How doing banking more inclusively, consciously and cooperatively?
Caroline Shenaz Hossein, PhD is Associate Professor at York University and is the Founder of the Diverse Solidarity Economies who examines cooperatives, mutual aid and ROSCAs for a decade and has worked internationally for 16 years on financial development services in the Global South. Ginelle Skerrit is a community practitioner working on poverty alleviation issues at The Neighborhood Group and the Banker Lady of a series of Susu banks in Toronto, Canada.
how to get out of conventional logics of what a business is?
How to take back global trade? What makes business such a good space for economic experimentation?
Kate Rich is an artist and trader. For the last 20 years she has been running Feral Trade, a trading business through which she buys and sells coffee as well as other food supplies. She is also part of The Cube, a self-organised cinema based in Bristol (UK). There she is part of the group taking care of the space’s economies. During the last years, she has been developing the Feral MBA, as a course that teaches how to use business as an art form and how to use art to question conventional business practices.
What is a socially just waging system?
#money #equity #justice #horizontality
How to approach money in a horizontally run organisation? What is the relation between wage levels and democracy?
Platform London combines art, activism, education and research in one organisation. Their current campaigns focus on the social, economic and environmental impacts of the global oil industry. For 20 years Platform has used a socially just waging system for salaried staff. This system is one part of a continual process of addressing issues of equality, power and privilege within the organisation and wider society.
Cosa significa scrivere in comune un patto educativo?
#intenzionalità #partecipazione #comunità #bosco #natura
Come creare una comunità educante intenzionale? Che ruolo ha la natura in una comunità educante intenzionale?
Sofia Set è una maestra del bosco nel progetto Sottobosco. Dal 2017 è stata coinvolta nella costruzione di comunità educanti intenzionali che si dedicano alla pedagogia del bosco e che mettono in atto economie solidali tra tutti i loro membri.
come funziona un progetto interculturale?
Quali sono le difficoltà nei gruppi sopra le dieci persone? Come si misura in gruppo la quantità di lavoro fatto?
ORTI semirurali sono tre orti urbani gestiti con approcci diversi nella città di Bolzano per sostenere lo sviluppo di comunità. Gli orti sono gestiti da Donne Nissà - Associazione di donne straniere e le loro famiglie, un progetto interculturale e di empowerment, per promuovere la cooperazione tra famiglie per il rispetto dell'ambiente.
Come fare comunità in maniera aperta e solidale?
#sinergie #fare in comune #concime #territorio
Come intrecciare una collaborazione virtuosa con l’amministrazione pubblica? Come tenere vivo un processo quando la burocrazia è lenta?
La Foresta – Accademia di comunità: in un luogo di transito, nella stazione dei treni di Rovereto, nasce uno spazio in cui diverse persone collaborano per imparare a costruire una comunità solidale e che mettere il benessere dell’ambiente al centro delle proprie azioni.
Cosa significa fare cultura in uno spazio gestito dalla comunità?
#usi civici #liberare #spazi in disuso #beni comuni #consenso #interdipendenza
Come gestire degli spazi in maniera non privatistica? Come si fa un processo di autogoverno civico aperto a tutti e tutte?
L’Asilo è un bene comune emergente che dal 2012 viene mantenuto a Napoli. Si trova in centro città e l’edificio è un ex-asilo di proprietà del Comune che ora ospita soprattutto attività e gruppi che si occupano di produzione culturale. Attorno all’asilo si sono attivate delle modalità giuridiche molto innovative che fungono da punto di riferimento per molti altri gruppi e spazi in giro per l’Italia e l’Europa.
Alpine community economies laboratory
#community economies #commoning
DERF - Fondo per un’economia diversificata
#diverse economies #care
What have we lost with the rupture brought about by Covid-19? What have we learned over the past few months? But above all, what do we have to learn to deal with the social and economic crisis generated by the pandemic?
Between June and November 2020, these questions were going back and forth between us, while we collected resources and tools that put into practice collective ways of organizing that allow us to break out of social isolation and individualized precariousness. Our aim was to activate strategies in response to the pandemic, thinking about this moment as a push towards regenerating practices. Let's read, inspire and coordinate!
Here you can download the tools as single A4 papers or as a zip at the end of the page.
How to cultivate an empowering relation to money?
#radicaltrust #therapy #transformation
How to save and lend money when you don’t have access to a bank account?
#mutualaid #collectives #help #susu #activistbankers #cooperatives #empowerment #ROSCA #bankerlady
how to get out of conventional logics of what a business is?
#feral #trade #radmin #experiment #livelihood #relations #diversity
What is a socially just waging system?
#money #equity #justice #horizontality
Cosa significa scrivere in comune un patto educativo?
#intenzionalità #partecipazione #comunità #bosco #natura
come funziona un progetto interculturale?
#ortourbano #interculturale
Download our A4 paper to learn more about Orti Semirurali's practice
Come fare comunità in maniera aperta e solidale?
#sinergie #fare in comune #concime #territorio
Cosa significa fare cultura in uno spazio gestito dalla comunità?
#usi civici #liberare #spazi in disuso #beni comuni #consenso #interdipendenza
Alpine community economies laboratory
#community economies #commoning
DERF - Fondo per un’economia diversificata
#diverse economies #care